

Our baskets, the perfect combination of ‘upcycling’ and ‘traditional Ugandan craftmanship’.

Ekibbo, meaning ‘basket’ in Luganda, is where our story began. Each basket is hand made by a woman from the Katanga Slum in Kampala. The baskets are 100% made out of single use plastic. By using plastic we prevent it from ending up in the enviroment, which decreases the waste problem.

But that’s not all! Each basket sold results in a fair income equilivent to a montly wage for the maker.



Uganda is not really known for its cultural masks. The Ekibbo women are planning on changing that.

Again by using single use plastic, only this time we also add woven bags (cement bags, flour bags, sugar cane bags,…)as a base.

With small loops woven through the base, we create wall pieces shaped like a colorful mask.